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Economic Development

Avangrid has a long history of working in partnership with communities around the country thanks to our nearly 70 on-shore renewables projects in more than 20 states. This includes the Amazon Wind Farm US East, powered by Avangrid which was the first commercial-scale wind farm in North Carolina.  The wind farm began delivering power in December 2016. We work hard to earn the trust and the respect of the communities where we do business by acting in a transparent and forthright manner.

As part of Avangrid, Kitty Hawk Wind understands the importance of working collaboratively with local communities and will work to ensure that the project delivers significant long-term economic benefits to the area. We know that the Outer Banks offer a unique coastal environment to both year-round residents and tourists, so we’re working to understand and address the questions and concerns that you may have about bringing a clean, renewable project to a lease area 27 miles out to sea.

Kitty Hawk Wind will help build an entirely new industry in the U.S. The emerging U.S. offshore wind industry is expected to create tens of thousands of new jobs and new supply chains. Kitty Hawk Wind is already putting local companies and people to work and will continue to contribute new tax revenues, and opportunities to attract additional infrastructure investment.

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